Alternate Hreflang Tags

Alternate Hreflang Tags

The Hreflang Tags extension for Magento 2 is a turnkey solution to easily add hreflang tags to your Magento webshop
Latest version: v1.5.1
Latest update: July 19, 2024


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Fully compatible and tested with Magento 2.3.x to 2.4.x
Are you looking to expand your Magento webshop's reach and target multiple language areas/regions? Adding hreflang tags to your website is a smart strategy. With hreflang tags, Google can identify the intended country and/or region for your webpages. This enables Google to display the appropriate version of your webpages in search results based on the user's location and language settings.
By implementing hreflang tags, you enhance the user-friendliness of your website. Visitors, directed by Google, land on the web page designed for their language/region. This not only improves user experience but also boosts conversion and turnover for your webshop. The Hreflang Tags extension for Magento 2 provides a seamless solution for easily incorporating hreflang tags into your Magento webshop.
Benefits of hreflang tags Introduced by Google in 2011, hreflang tags serve as a technical solution for websites with similar content in different languages and/or targeting various regions. The hreflang tag, embedded in the page's source code, specifies the language and/or region for that particular page alongside alternative URLs available.
Thanks to the hreflang tag, Google can efficiently direct visitors from search results to the correct web page based on their language and/or region. The Hreflang Tags extension for Magento 2 automatically adds the appropriate hreflang tags to your web pages when multiple language and/or region-specific versions are available. This extension significantly improves user-friendliness and enhances your SEO strategy without the need for manual coding.


Suppose you operate a Magento webshop targeting three distinct markets: the Netherlands, Flanders, and the international market. To cater to these markets, you have set up three subdomains. For instance, you sell product A on these subdomains, with product page variations specific to each region/language:

  • A Dutch product page targeting users in the Netherlands.
  • A Dutch-language product page catering to Dutch-speaking users in Belgium (Flanders).
  • An English product page focused on the international market.

The Hreflang Tags extension for Magento 2 automatically adds the following hreflang tags to each of the three product pages. Google recognizes these hreflang tags, understanding that product A is available on three different product pages targeting three distinct markets. Based on user location and language settings, Google can now accurately direct users to the appropriate web page in search results.

Utilizing hreflang tag

If you aim to reach multiple markets with different languages, translating your web pages into those languages is essential.

Even when targeting multiple markets where the same language is spoken, adapting content to specific regions can be beneficial. This allows you to offer region-specific content, such as:

  • Shipping costs
  • Currency
  • Local VAT
  • Texts (content/spelling variations)

For instance, if your webshop focuses on the Dutch and English markets, you can create different web pages tailored to various regions using the following hreflang tags:

  • "nl-nl" for the Netherlands
  • "nl-be" for Belgium (Flanders)
  • "EN-us" for the United States
  • "EN-gb" for the United Kingdom
  • "EN" for English-speaking users outside the US and UK

By implementing hreflang tags, you can effectively apply targeted geo-targeting for your webshop, allowing you to segment your content based on language and region. This approach helps Google display accurate search results to users, aligning with their language and location. It not only enhances user-friendliness but also boosts turnover for your webshop.

The Hreflang Tags extension for Magento 2 automatically adds the appropriate hreflang tags to your web pages when multiple language and/or region-specific versions are available. This significantly improves usability and enhances your SEO strategy without the need for manual coding.

Hreflang tags for CMS pages While the Hreflang Tags extension and Magento can recognize different URLs for products and categories, CMS pages are not internally linked within Magento.

To address this, we've introduced a solution that allows you to categorize and link CMS pages as alternative language pages.

For instance, you can create and link three store views with different contact pages:

[storeview] - identifier: contact-contact [storeview] - identifier: contact-us [storeview] - identifier: contact

By categorizing these store views, the correct hreflang tags are automatically added to each web page, ensuring seamless navigation and optimization.

Expand Your Market Reach with Hreflang Tags Are you looking to tap into new markets and target diverse language areas/regions with your Magento webshop? Adding hreflang tags to your website is a smart move.
Enhance User Experience and SEO Performance Hreflang tags allow Google to determine the intended country and/or region of your webpages. This enables Google to display the appropriate version of your website in search results based on the user's language and location settings.
Increase User-Friendliness and Conversion Rates By implementing hreflang tags, you provide a seamless user experience for your visitors. Through Google, they are directed to the web page that matches their language and region, resulting in improved conversions and increased sales.
The Ultimate Hreflang Solution for Magento 2 Our Hreflang Tags extension for Magento 2 offers a comprehensive solution to effortlessly add hreflang tags to your Magento webshop.
Unleash the Power of Hreflang Tags Introduced by Google in 2011, hreflang tags are a crucial technical solution for websites featuring similar content in different languages and/or targeting various regions. These tags, embedded within your webpage's source code, specify the language and/or region of a particular page along with the alternative URLs available.
Automated Implementation for Seamless Localization Our Hreflang Tags extension automatically adds the appropriate hreflang tags to your webpages, ensuring optimal user-friendliness and boosting your SEO strategy. No manual coding is required, saving you time and effort.

Make the HrefLang work for your SEO localization

Imagine you have a Magento webshop targeting three distinct markets: the Netherlands, Flanders, and the international market. To cater to these regions, you've set up three subdomains selling product A, each with a different product page:

Reviews based on 10 reviews 10

star star star star star
Does exactly what it's supposed to do.
Does exactly what it's supposed to do.
star star star star star
Simple but works smoothly
We use the Amasty layered navigation extension. Out of the box, Amasty does not have a good Hreflang tag solution. Hence, we bought this extension.

It works as it should and I am very happy with it.
star star star star star
Great Extension
This is a great piece of software, which helps us a lot to improve things ad save us time!
star star star star star
Works great!
Simpel and very effective
star star star star star
Great Extension
Great extension for an excellent price. Additionally, the support is fast and helpful.
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1.5.1, release date: July 19, 2024


  • Fixed issue with return type declaration when custom canonical module is used

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.3.x & PHP 7.4

1.5.0, release date: February 5, 2024


  • Added support for Firebear Configurable Products

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.3.x & PHP 7.4

1.4.0, release date: September 21, 2023


  • Revamped admin config
  • Remove alternate urls for stores that are disabled

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.3

1.3.8, release date: May 18, 2023


  • Small Code Cleanup

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.3.7, release date: June 10, 2022


  • Fixed check on general enabled flag / option

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.3.6, release date: March 3, 2022


  • Make Logger component compatible with Monolog 2.0 (Magento 2.4.4 support)
  • Replaced deprecated _redirect method
  • Declared visibility on all constants

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.3.5, release date: November 12, 2021


  • Refactored header template file for cleaner output without extra line endings / indents

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.3.4, release date: May 14, 2021


  • Fixed ACL role for config settings

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.3.3, release date: April 12, 2021


  • Get category url from UrlRewrite for better performance when using lots of storeviews

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.3.2, release date: December 23, 2020


  • Added fallback on getting product url by store id for faulty records in url_rewrite table

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.3.1, release date: December 14, 2020


  • Updated version check in Admin
  • Fixed compilation issue in Magento 2.2 and lower

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.3.0, release date: October 22, 2020


  • Added compatibility for Amasty Shop By Brand
  • Moved all config options to config repository interface
  • Coding styles and check on exclusive canonicals

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.2.1, release date: September 8, 2020


  • Changed alternate hreflang url getter

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.2.0, release date: August 10, 2020


  • Refactoring of code
  • Added extensive self-test function
  • Added extensive error log function
  • Added extensive debug log function
  • Added compatibility for Magento 2.4


  • Fixed simple prices for configurable offer markup

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.1.7, release date: May 31, 2020

### Fixed - Check if product is linked to store

1.1.6, release date: February 28, 2020

### Changed - Perfomance enhancements

1.1.5, release date: September 9, 2019

### Fixed - Issue with app emulation for product urls - Better check on _ignore_category in product urls ### Changed - Code refactor

1.1.4, release date: July 11, 2019

### Fixed - Stores with different base category could result in wrong urls - Current url on category pages

1.1.3, release date: June 21, 2019

### Added - Compatibility for Amasty Shopby ### Fixed - Minor fixes
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