Privacy Policy

Magmodules is convinced that protecting the privacy of its customers and visitors to its website is essential for its activity.

Personal data of customers and visitors are treated with the utmost care and security. Magmodules will in all cases to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act.

Hereinafter set put what personal information we may collect and how we might use that information. Other important topics relating to your privacy are described.

What information Magmodules and why?

Magmodules will collect only the personal data (such as job title, company name, address, phone number or email address) that you voluntarily provide through our website or e-mail correspondence. In addition, general information collected as the type of browser you use, the files you request, and the domain name and country from which you request information. This information is used to improve our Website and cater to your needs. As long as your client with Magmodules and your account is still active the personal data will be saved.

What is this information used?

The personal information you provide Magmodules will be used to answer your questions, send you the requested information about products and / or services or to Magmodules to deliver your commands. Magmodules may make use of third parties to collect and process your personal data. If you provide your personal Magmodules has provided and you want this information removed or changed, please contact us. We will use all reasonable efforts to comply with your request.

Privacy of children (14 years or younger)

Magmodules does not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from or about children (aged 14 or younger) without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, and Magmodules will not knowingly market its products or services to children. If Magmodules notice that the person who provide personal information through a website Magmodules a child, Magmodules will use reasonable efforts to this personal data as soon as possible from his files. Magmodules will also use reasonable efforts to ensure that your personal information not be used for any purpose and are not disclosed to any third party. Because Magmodules any personal information about children would collect all the data collected inadvertently deleted as soon as they are discovered, Magmodules stores no information about children that could be reviewed or deleted. If a parent requests information about their child to view or delete the data before Magmodules discovered and removed, Magmodules course honor that request.

Other important information

The Magmodules website may contain links to other websites. We in no way accept any responsibility for the content or privacy practices of those sites. Additionally, some of our web pages cookies contain. A cookie is an element of data that a website can be sent to your browser and stored on your computer can be. These cookies are used to help you find the desired information and your visit to our website to suit your individual preferences. You may choose not to accept cookies by setting your browser accordingly set. Not accepting cookies may mean that you can not access some pages of our website.

It may be necessary - if required by law or by a judicial investigation or government investigation - that your personal data will be released.
Magmodules reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time and without notice.
We will promptly changes on this web page.
If you have any questions or remarks about this privacy statement? Please feel free to contact via Magmodules: info [at]
The request for modification or deletion of your data to your mailĀ info [at]


This document contains the terms and (license) conditions of the extensions/software of Magmodules B.V.., registrated at the Kamer van Koophandel with the number: 59730404, trading as Magmodules. These terms and conditions apply on all legal relationships(paid extensions/software, free extensions/software and services) between Magmodules and client, acting in the course of a business.

*This Privacy Policy are edited on 25 may 2018 to fit the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Compliance.

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