Rich Snippets Suite

Rich Snippets Suite

Enable Rich JSON Markup for Organization, Product, WebSite & LocalBusinesss easily in your Magento® 2 store.
Latest version: v1.17.1
Latest update: July 17, 2024


Partner of unicorn companies and a 9.8/10 Customer Satisfaction


We offer a 15 day Money Back Guarantee on all our plugins


Fully compatible and tested with Magento 2.3.x to 2.4.x

This Magento 2 extension allows you to add structured data to your web pages, providing search engines like Google with more information about your Magento webshop. Enhance your product pages with rating data, allowing Google to display rating stars in search results. Having the right Google snippets will make your webshop stand out in search results, leading to increased click-through rates.

  • Products
  • Website
  • LocalBusiness
  • Organization
Voorbeeld van Rich Snippets Magento

The benefits of structured data and rich snippets

By adding structured data, search engines gain deeper insights into the content of your web pages. This enables them to crawl your website and display information with rich snippets in search results.

The Rich Snippet Suite extension for Magento 2 offers the ability to integrate structured data into web pages, providing search engines like Google with more information about the Magento webshop. By adding rating data to product pages, Google can display rating stars in search results, leading to increased click-through rates and improved visibility in search results. The extension allows for the addition of simple data for products, websites, LocalBusiness, and Organization.

Using the Rich Snippet Suite has several benefits:

  • Websites with rich snippets gain more trust from users.
  • Webshops stand out better in search results with rich snippets, such as review stars.
  • Google users are more likely to click through to the Magento online store.
  • More visitor traffic from Google can lead to higher turnover for the webshop.
  • A higher Click Through Rate (CTR) can potentially result in better rankings in Google.

Product Variant Support (2024 update)
The feature introduces the ProductGroup class to better organize and present variations of products (e.g., different sizes, colors, materials) to Google. It allows grouping variants of the same parent product using properties like variesBy, hasVariant, and productGroupID. This enables specifying common properties for all variants, such as brand and review information, reducing information duplication and enhancing Google's understanding of product variations.
We now added introduced this feature where we support the structured data support for Product Variants which is
Also, see more information here:

Product Shipping Details Schema
On the contrary, the 'shippingDetails' property furnishes details regarding a product's shipping policies. This encompasses information about shipping rates, delivery timelines, and destinations.

Product Return Policy Schema
The 'hasMerchantReturnPolicy' structured data property defines a merchant's product return policy. This information is crucial for customers, and ensuring its accessibility can enhance user experience and potentially boost conversion rates.

The Product rich snippets feature enables the addition of extensive information to products, including name, price, availability, and review stars. These details become more visible in search results, providing a competitive edge and boosting SEO rankings. The following product information can be added to the rich snippets: Title & image, Stock information, Reviews, Description, Brand, Model, and Product identifiers such as SKU/GTIN.

Product rich snippets With Rich Snippets Suite for Magento 2, you can add extensive information to your products. Google can extract and display this information in search results. Values such as name, price, availability, and review stars become more visible in search results, giving you an edge over the competition. As your products gain better visibility, more people will click through to your webshop, leading to improved SEO rankings. You can add the following product information to the rich snippets: Title & image Stock information Reviews Description Brand Model Product identifiers such as SKU / GTIN
Rich snippets for websites Use data from your Magento store to optimize Google search results. You can provide multiple names for your site and let Google choose one. Add the following details: Site name Alternate site name Logo Another option is to enable SiteSearch, allowing Google to display a search box in search results. Users can search your Magento store directly from Google search results.
LocalBusiness rich snippets To display company information, use Google My Business in conjunction with the LocalBusiness markup. Once verified as the owner of your business, you can add address details, contact information, business type, and photos. This ensures that your business information is visible in Google Maps and the Google Knowledge Graph. You can add the following information to the LocalBusiness Rich Snippets: Type Company Name Address Company location with latitude and longitude Opening hours
Organization rich snippets Use organizational markup to add your company's contact information to the Google Knowledge Graph. This information can be displayed when users search for your business name on Google. You can include the following information in the organization rich snippets: Phone numbers Contact type Languages Social links for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more

All your Rich Snippet Suite, covered

The Magento 2 Rich Snippet Suite is a powerful extension designed to enhance the visibility and search engine performance of your Magento 2 webshop. By generating rich snippets, it provides structured data to search engines, leading to more informative and attractive search results for potential customers. The suite includes three essential modules: Google Rich Snippets, Breadcrumbs, and Product Reviews. With Google Rich Snippets, you can display relevant product information, such as price, rating, and availability, directly in search results, increasing click-through rates. The Breadcrumbs module helps improve site navigation and user experience by displaying a clear hierarchy of pages. Lastly, the Product Reviews module enables displaying customer reviews, building trust and credibility. Overall, the Magento 2 Rich Snippet Suite is a comprehensive tool to boost SEO, attract more customers, and increase conversions for your online store.

Reviews based on 6 reviews 10

Extensive Features, Good Quality and Great Support
The extension covers a lot of structured data - pretty much anything you might search for these days. It also integrates them nicely via JSON-LD. The code quality is quite good, and the support is also very responsive and helpful. Our go-to extension for structured data in Magento!
star star star star star
Extension does exactly what it promises, and world-class support
Extension does exactly what it promises, and world-class support. Magmodules always helps out quickly and is very knowledgeable.
star star star star star
Our products were being refused by Google merchant center because of errors in the rich snippets. This module fixed that for the most part and gave us a good basis to extend to our needs.
star star star star star
Works as required, great service
The extension does a great job with google and is easy to configure.

We also required a slight modification to adapt to our multi currency website and the Magmodules team was quick to act and did it in a very professional manner.
We recommend!
star star star star star
WOW works perfectly!
Exactly what we needed to have well-formatted Rich Snippet data structure! Thank you!
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1.17.1, release date: July 17, 2024


  • Updated Kiyoh Aggregate Review Markup
  • Updated Google Reviews Aggregate Review Markup
  • Updated Feedbackcompany Aggregate Review Markup
  • Updated Ekomi Aggregate Review Markup
  • Updated WebwinkelKeur Aggregate Review Markup

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.3

1.17.0, release date: June 26, 2024


  • Added Google Reviews as Snippets source


  • Html Escape all meta data


  • Added PHP 8.3 and Magento 2.4.7 to testings

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.3

1.16.1, release date: April 5, 2024


  • Return country iso code instead of full country name

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.3

1.16.0, release date: March 4, 2024


  • Adding structured data support for Product Variants

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.15.0, release date: February 6, 2024


  • Added new options to OfferShippingDetails schema
  • Enrich the MerchantReturnPolicy markup


  • Tax calculation is wrong on Grouped-product types
  • Issue with customer group prices

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.14.0, release date: September 13, 2023


  • Added new OfferShippingDetails schema
  • Updated hasMerchantReturnPolicy schema

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.13.0, release date: September 5, 2023


  • Added new Admin UI

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.12.0, release date: June 15, 2023


  • Support hasMerchantReturnPolicy

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.11.2, release date: May 27, 2022


  • Fixed issue with Twitter and Facebook data on PHP 8.1
  • Fixes issue with empty snippets

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.11.1, release date: April 28, 2022


  • Fixed SearchAction / Search is shown on all pages if enable

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.11.0, release date: April 4, 2022


  • Feature: Option to set what data should come from parent/simple
  • Feature: Option to bundle all reviews from simple by parent

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.10.0, release date: March 3, 2022


  • Feature: Make it possible to set an attribute for Price
  • Make Logger component compatible with Monolog 2.0 (Magento 2.4.4 support)
  • Replaced deprecated _redirect method
  • Declared visibility on all constants

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1

1.9.1, release date: January 7, 2022


  • Fixed currency conversion in simple prices

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.9.0, release date: November 1, 2021


  • Added support for Customer Group Prices

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.8.0, release date: October 14, 2021


  • Added separate brand option, as requirements have changed

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.7.0, release date: July 13, 2021


  • Added ID to Local Business Markup (new requirement)
  • Added MFTF tests


  • Fixed CLI proxy

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.6.0, release date: March 24, 2021


  • Feature: Added support for MSRP
  • Bugfix: Stock shown even if disabled in Config

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.5.1, release date: January 22, 2021


  • Added compatibility for Magento 2.4.1

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.5.0, release date: December 23, 2020


  • Added option to split bundled products as separate schema
  • Added option to split grouped products as separate schema
  • Added support for Magmodules Kiyoh Reviews module
  • Added support for Magmodules WebwinkelKeur Reviews module
  • Added support for Magmodules Feedbackcompany Reviews module
  • Added support for Magmodules Ekomi Reviews module


  • Use base price when store uses currency conversion

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.4.1, release date: September 9, 2020


  • Enable CMS OpenGraph by Default (due to update from lower version)

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.4.0, release date: September 8, 2020


  • Added og:locale to Open Graph Tags
  • Added Facebook App ID option for Open Graph
  • Added product:price:amount and product:price:currency
  • Added compatibility for Aheadworks Advanced Reviews for Rich Snippets
  • Added og:image:secure_url when image is available over https
  • Added option to select attribute for Description Markup
  • Remove default opengraph markup when Remove Theme Snippets is enabled


  • Fixed CMS Open Graph tags


  • og:type for categories to website

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.3.1, release date: September 1, 2020


  • Check parent stock status for configurable products
  • Disabling Open Graph tags for CMS not having any effect

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.3.0, release date: August 10, 2020


  • Refactoring of code
  • Added extensive self-test function
  • Added extensive error log function
  • Added extensive debug log function
  • Added compatibility for Magento 2.4


  • Fixed simple prices for configurable offer markup

Minimum requirements:

  • Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x

1.2.2, release date: June 11, 2020

  • Fixed issue with products without images
  • Added GitHub Actions

1.2.0, release date: April 30, 2020

  • Added Breadcrumbs markup
  • Added extended social (OG Data & TwitterCards) integration

1.0.8, release date: January 3, 2020

  • Fix: validation error when last review has no score
  • Fix: empty WebsiteSchema when no store name was set

1.0.7, release date: June 6, 2019

  • Added option to add nested review to JSON-LD output

1.0.6, release date: February 22, 2019

  • Image Fallback
  • Added url + validUntil to offer data
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